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There are two sets of prizes. One for Digital Health and one for Rural Tourism Recovery.


Digital Health Prizes

2nd prize DKK 30,000
1st prize DKK 40,000 and Innovation Accelerator Programme*
3rd prize DKK 20,000


Rural Tourism Recovery Prizes

2nd prize DKK 30,000
1st prize DKK 40,000 and Meeting the Tourism Industry in the Faroe Islands on 7-8 September 2021**
3rd prize DKK 20,000

DKK 40.000 equals approximately £4.600, USD 6400, ISK 820.000, NOK 54.000 or CAD 8100
DKK 30.000 equals approximately £3.450, USD 4800, ISK 615.000, NOK 40.000 or CAD 6100
DKK 20.000 equals approximately £2.300, USD 3200, ISK 410.000, NOK 27.000 or CAD 4100

* The winning team receives entry into AngelHack's HACKcelerator. A 12 week mentorship program that incorporates AngelHack's proven curriculum with coveted mentorship, speakers and workshops to offer the best in startup education. The NORA accelerator prize starts at the end of April 2021 and happens online.
** This prize has a total value of up to additional DKK 40.000, which will subsidise the team members' transportation to the Faroe Islands and accommodation during the Tourism conference, as well as the conference fee.